
“One life lesson that I believe is invaluable is that with success comes obligations. Share your knowledge, your time and, when you can, your wealth to benefit the generation coming behind you. It will enhance and give greater meaning to life.”

Robert Buchan, former Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University and founder of Kinross Gold Corp.

Philanthropic aspect

ALVERADA is not only about growing your capital.
It is also about displaying the power of our investment thesis. And what a better way of doing this than by engaging in philanthropic activities.
Many firms choose to put emphasis on cumbersome ESG issues, or political agendas. We choose to prioritize investment in areas such as education and healthcare, in the countries where we operate.
As our investments will yield more and more, we will be allocating a portion of the internal source, which is completely at the investment committee’s discretion, to the academia (for the purpose of advancing new developments within the STEM fields) and non-governmental organizations with a proven track record of exceptional money management and efficiency.
Such grants are usually given from inside ALVERADA to those entities we trust the most.

Dissemination of energy financing knowledge

The energy crisis has been aggravated by the fact that facts have been replaced by fiction.
In other words, very few people have access to information that could help them make long-term decisions about investing in traditional oil&gas assets.
It is the duty of the combined KAREDA-ALVERADA team to use every possible communication channel to disseminate our own research about the latest developments, price forecasts, assessments of market dynamics and trends, and most importantly, as the motto of KAREDA says – the real level of hydrocarbon reserves.
ALVERADA is keen to partner with reputable sources in the sphere of energy information to be able to present to our clients the most accurate picture of global hydrocarbon markets.